Behind Doors: Equus

1. Reindeer | Mongolian Trad. (Arr. Equus)
2. Sunrise | Mongolian Trad. (Arr. Equus)
3. Summertime | George Gershwin & DuBose Heyward (Arr. Equus)
4. Cuckoo Namjil | Mongolian Trad. (Arr. Equus)
Equus Bukhu Ganburged, Vocals / Khoomei (throat singing) & Morin Khuur (Mongolian Horse-head Fiddle)
John Robinson, Oud & Guitar
Bertie McMahon, Double Bass
Peter Kennard, Percussion
The Sydney based band Equus perform a collection of traditional Mongolian folk songs and their arrangement of 'Summertime,' a lullaby that opens Gershwin's famous opera 'Porky and Bess'. The group's exotic instrumental sounds are further enhanced by Bukhu's overwhelmingly beautiful and spiritual overtone singing, known as höömij (throat). This technique produces two simultaneously audible pitches, one being a whistle-like sound and the other being a drone bass. This sound requires the singer to lock breaths within the chest.

Executive Producer: Judith Neilson AM


Sydney Dance Company: Touch


Behind Doors: Hilary Geddes & Oscar Henfrey