Wadih Hanna | Interview

In his self-published book, "Made in Australia: My Maton Collection", guitar collector Wadih Hanna describes the pivotal moment that triggered his attraction to the instrument: "I still recall my first guitar, a relatively inexpensive Stratocaster copy that my old man bought for me when I was about twelve years old. We were walking past a pawn shop that sold musical instruments as we were killing time while waiting to go to the cinema, this red guitar caught my attention and I begged him until he caved. I can’t remember which movie we were going to see because all I could think about was getting home and trying out my new toy."

Upon receiving a copy of Wadih’s book, contemporary Chinese art collector Judith Neilson immediately related to his obsessively meticulous process of collating, documenting and archiving such an important collection. In acknowledging their mutual passion for collecting, Judith offered Wadih the opportunity to showcase his 265 Maton guitars in The Great Hall at Dangrove, the home of the White Rabbit Collection. This was the first time that Wadih had seen his collection in its entirety.

Executive Producer: Judith Neilson


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