Behind Doors: Bukhu Ganburged

Bukhu Ganburged | Morin Khuur & Khuumii
1. River | Bukhu Ganburged
2. Mazaalaid (for Gobi Bear) | Bukhu Ganburged, Linsey Pollak, Lizzie O’Keefe
3. Mother and Father | Bukhu Ganburged
Mongolian born Bukhu incorporates Morin Khuur (Horse Head Fiddle), Khuumii (Harmonic Overtone Throat Singing), harmonic chant, folk, classical, looping and electronics to create a unique sound.
As an internationally recognised artist with an outstanding contribution to the arts, Bukhu was awarded the prestigious Distinguished Talent Visa by the Australian government.


Behind Doors: David Rowden


Behind Doors: Jane Sheldon