Will To Zero: Fake x Lenny Gash

THU 25 & FRI 26 May 2023
6:30pm & 8:15pm


Torched up / bag down
A thud plays thug

what are goals in a liberal world
what are skills when dinner is served
what are these? can i have a bit please

*ideas on a little white tee

all her friends are honeys
nature's free tonight
always rollin heavy
booty shakin' like

payin close with attention,
a sheer act of willing

everybody likes a star
nobody likes a smartass

‘Will to Zero’ is an ongoing collaboration between Lavurn Lee and Lenny Gitonga that draws on the synergies of sound, architecture and movement as tools for world making. 

Lavurn Lee is an electronic music producer working under the aliases: Cassius Select, Fake, and BV. Lenny Gitonga is an architectural and set designer. Their third act is a new site-specific performance piece at Phoenix Central Park for a two night run.


Ballot Closed

THU 25 & FRI 26 May 2023
6:30pm & 8:15pm
Phoenix Central Park

Ballot draw date: Tue 16 May 2023