Florist (solo)

11 October 2024

Emily Sprague is the songwriter and singer of the band Florist, formed in the Catskill Mountains of New York where Emily grew up and currently resides. For 15 years Sprague has been observing emotional and mystical inner worlds through songwriting. As Florist she documents life through vulnerable and at times unconventional folk-pop songs that aim to offer a sense of calm within the chaos of existence.

In 2019 Sprague made Florist’s 3rd official release, Emily Alone, a solo record about the spaces and the journeys of growth that one enters in solitary times. The follow up to that record was 2022’s self-titled Florist, a full band, hour long celebration of a decade of collaboration. Both Emily and Florist are deeply rooted in acknowledging and honoring the natural world, the beauty and phenomenons of earth, the universe, and of human experience. The music that Emily makes is quiet and sensitive all while head first confronting both the most difficult and the most joyful things, usually in the same breath.

Emily is very excited to perform in Australia in 2024 and will be playing songs from all of Florist’s discography including some new and unreleased material!

"For almost a decade, the Brooklyn dream-folk quartet Florist has glowed with an air of cosmic, collective consciousness, a supreme knowledge of life’s stakes and how abruptly and totally everything can change" - The New Yorker

"Sprague’s songwriting has long stood out from her contemporaries’, as she and the band are still making

what they know best while exploring a storytelling that is more profound, quick-witted and deeply resonant"
Paste Magazine

"Florist’s Emily Sprague is no stranger to imbuing her songs with a certain transcendental nature." - Consequence

"a tender rumination on love, loss, and the natural world"



Friday 11 October 2024, 7:00pm


Phoenix Central Park
49 O'Connor St, Chippendale


Free, by ballot only

Ballot closes in

Ballot draw date: Tuesday 1 October 2024

Ticketing FAQs

  • All performances at Phoenix Central Park are free.

  • Phoenix Central Park is an intimate performance space and tickets are limited. Due to high demand, tickets will be issued at random to those who have entered each ticket ballot. Each performance has a separate ballot, so if you would like to attend multiple performances, you will need to enter each ballot separately.

    We advise you to listen to the artist you are entering the ballot for, and consider which shows you’d really like to attend. Entering more ballots does not increase your chances of attending.

    Please only enter our ballots with your own details - if we catch you using false details, you won’t have any luck. We reserve the right to cancel any tickets we believe are obtained through false information at any time.

  • If you are successful you will receive an email up to ten days prior to the performance with instructions on how to claim your tickets.

    This offer is only valid for a limited time. Unclaimed tickets may be forfeited. You will have the option of confirming up to two tickets for a performance.

  • No, your tickets will be valid for a specific performance only. If you are unable to attend, please pass the ticket onto a friend or contact us at to allow someone else the opportunity to attend.

    You can enter ticket ballots for your chance to attend another performance.