Behind Doors: Jessica O'Donoghue

Jessica O'Donoghue | Vocals & Piano

From the composer:

Parachute... is about wanting to stay in a sense of fantasy and not come down to face reality.

Lift... is a very intimate song about looking deep within and realising you haven’t been ‘feeding’ your inner self so as to blossom into the person you were meant to be in this world.

Stay... is a very personal and heart wrenching song that deals with loss, longing and helplessness.

Lullay my Heart... I wrote this song two years ago after losing my father Rory O'Donoghue. It's about forgiveness and understanding, letting go and acceptance.

Executive Producer: Judith Neilson AM


Behind Doors: Anna Albert & Andy Hines


Behind Doors: Murilo Tanouye