Behind Doors: Murilo Tanouye

Murilo Tanouye | Classical Guitar

Brazilian born Sydney based Murilo Tanouye began his musical career learning Bossa Nova and classical guitar from Renato Candro, a self-taught musician that showed him the guitar style of Brazilian legends such as Baden Powell, Joao Gilberto and Garoto. At 16 years of age, Murilo was awarded a full scholarship to study in the US with distinguished American classical guitarist Carl Bernstein. Two years later he was the recipient of another scholarship to pursue further studies at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music in Sydney under the tutelage of Gregory Pikler. In 2007, Murilo successfully completed his B.Mus. performance degree with First Class Honours and immediately began his post-graduate studies upon receiving an Australian Postgraduate Award from the Australian Government.

Executive Producer: Judith Neilson AM


Behind Doors: Jessica O'Donoghue


Behind Doors: Simon Martyn-Ellis