Simone Slattery & Anthony Albrecht | Live

Simone Slattery | Violin and vocals

Anthony Albrecht | Cello

'Where Song Began’ is a musical celebration of Australia’s birds and how they shaped the world. Inspired by leading ornithologist Tim Low’s award-winning book of the same title, this 50-minute performance explores the Australian origins of song, ‘the birds that can sing’. Such is their evolutionary significance, ‘one may ask whether human music would have reached the heights it has, had the first songbird not sung in an Australian rainforest.’ Enhanced by a film of evocative visual projections, and an immersive soundscape, 'Where Song Began' encourages the audience to contemplate the origin of song and the importance of Australia's rich and colourful bird history.

Executive Producer: Judith Neilson AM


NIDA: My Sister is a Martian | Puppetry
