Michael Askill | Live

Song to the Earth III composed by Dr Corrina Bonshek   

Featuring Greta Kelly on Shah Kaman and Dr Michael Askill with his collection of gongs    

Gong Lead   |   Dr Michael Askill   

Gong Orchestra:

Ian Cleworth               

Huan Bourne

Blue Saskia

Abigail Shearer

Salina Myat

Ruari Campbell

Blake Roden   

Sound Design   |   Anna Whitaker & Corrina Bonshek

Recordings   |   Wild Ambience      

Song to the Earth was co-commissioned by City of Gold Coast, Bleach*Festival and the Queensland Government through the Regional Arts Development Fund and the Office of the Commonwealth Games and other funding sources.   

Special thanks to Andrew Ayliffe and partner for custom built gong stands.

Executive Producer: Judith Neilson AM


Eishan Ensemble | Live


Laura Chislett & Stephanie McCallum | Live